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Thread: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

  1. #321
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Hi suyog, thanks for keeping us up to date!
    I haven't made any new attempts for a while, but that syncevolution thing looks promising. Do you happen to know how well it works (if at all??) for syncing the phone to Ubuntu/Evolution via USB? I don't want to use if I can avoid it, and my desktop doesn't have bluetooth.

  2. #322
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    I tried sync with my N82 via syncevolution 1.0 beta 2 and it failed via Bluetooth. I have sent logs screenshots to developers and hope to get some solution soon.
    Regarding Sync via USB, I am not sure if syncevolution can do it now. I will check that too with developers.

  3. #323
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Quote Originally Posted by leoh View Post
    I've been reading this topic and been unable so far to sync.
    The thing is that most guides are old (2007 or even older), and the instructions, screenshots, versions, repositories, etc are no longer valid on Ubuntu 9.10.
    Can anybody provide me with an up-to-date tutorial or something?
    Hi. I came up against the same problem trying to sync my E71 with Evolution via Bluetooth on Ubuntu 9.10. I have finally got it to work. Once you set it up, it is pretty straight forward. I've been successful using the OpenSync and Multisync tools + Multsyc0.90 gui.

    Here is a Step-by-Step Guide to how I got it going on my E71. Not sure if anything is different for the E51, but if the E51 uses SyncML then it should be the same setup process.


  4. #324
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    I have spent hours trawling forums and other blogs for solutions for my Nokia e51 because I have wanted to sync contacts and calendars via bluetooth as well. I had some success back in 2007 with opensync and/or multisync tools but there was always the fear of the apparently random double ups or deletions.

    Move forward a few years and it's 2010 and new lucid install and I felt I should have another go at getting this right. Several broken attempts later I found the Sync GUI interface and thought I'd try this. If failed hard to start with by itself. I then stumbled onto the syncevolution website and found these 2 links and and reading over them both I was able to configure my Nokia e51 to work flawlessly every time. No double ups, no broken attempts, no deletions just pure bliss and has worked for the last few months now.

    When I have a spare hour or so I was going to document the exact steps I took because it was actually a combination of the 2 posts. It relies on the cli for the vast majority but it's not anything really scary.

    I just wanted to put this out there for anyone still having problems syncing because it does work it just takes some setting up (I did it in less than an hour once I actually found those 2 pages).

  5. #325
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Thanks, I'll look at it later for my e71

  6. #326
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Hi all,
    I was finally able to sync contacts and calendar entries on my Nokia N73 with Evolution using multisync in Ubuntu Lucid. But Evolution doesn't seem to read the end date of the recurring appointments properly. And it displays the recurring appointments as if they repeat for an indefinite time. It seems to be reading the start date only. How can I correct this?
    Any help in this regard is appreciated!

  7. #327

    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Has anyone managed to sync "Tasks" in Sunbird (or in Evolution if it has an equivalent) with the S60s ToDo list? This'd be the next step for me.. Does S60 store the ToDos in the same database as the calendar entries?


  8. #328
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    todos are stored in calendar in Nokia phones(S60 also). These get synced with Tasks in Evolution. I could sync that with syncevolution with my various nokia phones. check this link

    I am sure we can find way to sync with Sunbird also.

  9. #329
    Join Date
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    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Hello everyone!...

    So! Here is how I did it for a nokia E52 with syncevolution (my syncing includes contacts, calendar, memos)

    (-big parenthesis- because I hate getting credit for something I didn't come up with or anything, everything posted below is the outcome of the two posts: and

    which are given by "head_victim" on that same page. The first link gives an idea about how things work, the second one gets you -if not there- closer
    -end of big parenthesis-)

    The packages needed to be installed for this to work are:

    ... and their dependances -if any extra- the installation of these, plants a "sync" icon on your internet menu.

    step 1) link the two bluetooth devices.

    what you need to do is go to "set up a new device" from the bluetooth menu, detect and add your mobile on the list.
    Follow the instructions to where they take you in order to do the pairing. Don't worry if the pairing isn't kept alive - mine dies too after 1 or 2 seconds.

    On your mobiles side, you need to go to the bluetooth menu, then to "reliable devices", where you should find your pc's bluetooth name, and make it a reliable device.

    About the pairing: I've read in many posts that you should be in an "copying files" mode in order to sync. This doesn't apply in my case...

    step 2) "see" the mobile phone through syncevolution

    Go ahead and open your new installed "sync" programm on your menu! - If it is the first time you run the programm, you should read "select sync device" (click on it)
    ... and if your mobile phone is on the bluetooth list (as added in the previous step), it should appear further down on the list, under "direct sync".
    From the dropdown list, choose "nokia_7210c" and "use these settings", and then "save and replace current service".

    Don't do any syncing - just close the window

    step 3) get to know the config files

    open a terminal, and execute : "nautilus ~/.config/syncevolution" - I guess this makes navigating easier...-

    navigate to ->default->peers , and you should see your nokia_7210c. You can rename the folder as you like to call your phone while syncing.

    now navigate to ->"your phone"->sources, and you can see folders that correspond to all the services that are supported for syncing by syncevolution (which doesn't mean that all services are
    there for syncing with every phone...)

    every folder contains a config.ini file that dictates the sync parameters for every service. The parameters, syntax and the structure of the file is the same in every case.

    The parameters that we are concerned with are:
    "sync=" // the way the syncing is meant to be done (two way, one way, etc - look at the commented lines above the field)
    this is in the beginning of the files, and
    at the very end of the files. I don't remember changing "type=" (at the end of the files as well) at any point, but to make sure, I'll give you that setting for every case as well (in a bit).

    the "uri" field is (the way I see it) the codename that the mobile phone expects to see in order to sync the corresponding field. To find which are these codenames in your case, navigate to your
    mobile phone's menu (for e52):
    Note: phone menus are not identical, because I'm not using the english menus
    menu -> control panel -> phone -> sync., then... options -> edit sync profile, and then scroll down to see "sync. setting contacts", "sync. setting calendar", "sync. setting notes " // clicking on these fields, you get the corresponding "codename" under the field "data base contacts", or "data base calendar" or "data base notes". Mine are "Contacts", "Calendar", "Notes" respectively. If yours are different, I would suggest keeping your settings, and adapt the settings of syncevolution further below.

    step 4) start syncing...

    The idea is that for the first sync, evey field must be synchronized by itself. So, go to every config.ini file - exept for the addressbook - and switch the "sync=" value to "none". At the addressbook folder, the config.ini file should have the following setup:
    sync = two-way
    type = addressbook
    uri = Contacts

    (I would suggest that you mind the capitals)

    save the config.ini files, and go ahead and do your first sync. Open a terminal and type:
    syncevolution "your-phone"
    where your-phone is the name you gave to the directory under "~/.config/syncevolution/default/peers"

    You should see some syncing going on / if you don't, among the messages displayed, you should see
    "Synchronization failed, see /home/*******..../syncevolution-log.html" - go ahead and open this file with your browser.

    This file, among others, says which channel is used to make the connection. This channel must be the same as the channel the phone uses for SyncML service. So, if it isn't successfully detected automaticaly, we have to check that too:
    type at your terminal:
    hcitool scan
    this should show you your phones bluetooth hardware address a.k.a. a number like 00:32:45:.....
    then, use this number to see the services and the corresponding channels:
    sdptool browse 00:32:45:.....
    this will have a quite long output, but as I said, what we are interested in is the "SyncMLClient" service (for e52 channel 8 ). If the channel number stated at this output is not the same as the one displayed at the error messages, you can change the channel syncevolution uses, by editing "~/.config/syncevolution/default/peers/"your phone"/config.ini"
    go to the "syncURL=" line, and add at the end "+channel" where channel is the working "SyncMLClient" channel (see the commented instructions just above the field).

    save the file and try the sync. again.

    if you succeed, it means that you repeat the same procedure with calendar and memo separately (for every other sync-field, "sync = none"). Note that for nokia E52, sync works with the "calendar" configuration folder, and not the "calendar+todo" configuration folder.
    their config.ini files should have the following settings:

    sync = two-way
    type = calendar
    uri = Calendar

    sync = two-way
    type = memo
    uri = Notes

    step 5) complete your setup

    after you have done all contacts, calendar and memo syncs separately, you can turn all three sync-fields to "sync = two-way", and enjoy flawless syncing everytime / no duplicates , just open a terminal and type:
    syncevolution "your-phone"

    that's all -

  10. #330
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: HOWTO: Sync Nokia E-series Phone with Evolution via Bluetooth

    Thanks for a such a nice post.
    I am getting the following error when I try to sync my Nokia N73 with evolution.
    "First ERROR encountered: OBEX Request 2 got a failed response Unknown response"
    Any Ideas??

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