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  1. [all variants] Re: New brcm80211 driver guide for Broadcom wireless cards

    what card do you have mate?

    4313 work fine (on my lenovo b560) with wl driver from software center (official repositories). I didnt manually "compile" it
  2. Re: No announcements for Quantal on the main pages of the Ubuntu site

    not countdows, but at least a "little banner" or gif on the front page. IMO.
  3. Re: No announcements for Quantal on the main pages of the Ubuntu site

    It could be, but it was not the usual policy about releases. The "hype" about new releases usually atracts newcomers to linux and ubuntu, but if you change that aproach then, why doesnt...
  4. Replies

    Re: Gnome Shell i carpetes a l'escriptori

    tienes "gnome tweak tool" instalado? Tiene una opición que se llama "Have file manager handle the desktop" que te permite habilitar precisamente esa opción. También te permite poner iconos para el...
  5. Replies

    [SOLVED] Re: Wireless Ubuntu 11.04 Lenovo B560

    I own the same laptop and had the same problems with wifi, but solved when log into windows partition, disabled and reenabled wifi from "control panel" (or something similar), then back to linux a...
  6. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: nVidia Optimus and Ubuntu explained

    thanks, I'll take a look on it. Last time I tried there was no PPA ;)
  7. [SOLVED] Re: Tweaking things on Gnome3 as we did with Compiz?

    that's more Photoshop related than Ubuntu (or gnome3) IMO. Have you search on Photoshop preferences, or even on Wine?

    I dont like Wine or run Windows apps on it at all, so I've no experience on...
  8. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: nVidia Optimus and Ubuntu explained

    any guide for making bumblebee work fine please? I tried month ago to make it work (ubuntu 11.04 64bit + gnome3-gnomeshell + lenovo b560 with intel+nvidia cards).
    Actually I installed bumblebee but...
  9. [SOLVED] Re: Tweaking things on Gnome3 as we did with Compiz?

    there's a tool called "gnome-tweak-tool" for making some minor changes to the aparence of gnome-shell, but you can directly edit gnome options executing "gconf". Of course you should know what you...
  10. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: Can't find Network Manager icon...

    just plug the wire (rj45) if you have this option. DHCP is default enabled so if router is well configured you'll get network access. Open synaptic and Look if you have network-manager package...
  11. Replies

    [ubuntu] log files guru needed

    hi m8s
    my first problem is I've no idea where in this forum I should post my problem. I need some kind of log files reader to help me to identify what causes a load freeze with normal kernels but...
  12. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: Trying Gnome Shell on Ubuntu 11.04

    yep! gnome3+gnome-shell is my default session from 4 weeks. No one issue unless experimental extensions related.

    edit myself:
    on ricotz repository warns you that need also gnome3-team ppa
  13. [ubuntu] Re: [HOWTO] Fix common Gnome 3 install issues in 11.04

    thanks, but .... wtf? :confused: is this for security reasons? why dont just use the "Supr" o "Del" button? (without crtl)
  14. [ubuntu] Re: [HOWTO] Fix common Gnome 3 install issues in 11.04

    I was asking myself the same thing, how to auto-log on startup screen?

    thanks cbowman57, your script (.deb) works fine ;)
  15. [ubuntu] Re: Extensions repository problems

    +1 but some of them could be useful

    thanks cbowman57, I'll take a look at that ;)
  16. [ubuntu] Re: Extensions repository problems

    so far we have gnome-shell from gnome3-PPA(3.0) and extensions (some for 3.1) from GIT repository, any chance of gnome3 team to include in the PPA some/any of the extensions?

    I'm quite pleased...
  17. [all variants] Re: New brcm80211 driver guide for Broadcom wireless cards

    I've just installed latest Natty Beta and cant make work neither brcm80211 nor official sta driver (on Lenovo b560, BCM4313 )

    but doing:

    sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter

    made my day :D ...
  18. Replies

    [SOLVED] Re: Mobile broadband via Bluetooth / Ubuntu 10.10


    removed blueman from synaptic, reboot, and then used the default bluetooth manager to Search, Pair, select DUN connection and configure it.

    now Mobile Phone DUN connection is available...
  19. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: Help to remove old kernels

    maybe you have already solved your problem but:

    run in terminal

    uname -r
    to get the kernel you are using. Then:

    dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-image
  20. Replies

    [ubuntu] Re: 9.10 Audio Crackles?

    I have not many chances for helping, but I had this problem and I found this
    where explains that we have to enter in gnome-conf and...
  21. [ubuntu] Re: sudo unable to resolve host new problem (not /etc/hosts /etc/hostname difference)

    just for the record I have to say that changing

    in /etc/hosts to

    solved the problem.

    being myhostname the result of
  22. Replies

    [all variants] weird symbol in conky


    I've used this code for my calendar

    And it works fine, but I get this weird symbol (picture below) at the begining of the...
Results 1 to 22 of 35
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